Counselling Rooms

Counselling Rooms

Practitioners at this location

Ms Liz Jeffries


I am a psychotherapist and counsellor with 10 years experience in both short-term and long-term therapy. The main theory underpinning my work is Transactional Analysis, an approach looks at how we become who we are, and how we grow and change during the course of life. It is an approach that draws on psychodynamic, humanistic and cognitive behavioural models and therefore offers great breadth and flexibility for adapting to specific needs. I am passionate about the opportunities psychotherapy presents for change and also about making therapy accessible to a wide range of people, not all of whom can find a therapist in their geographical area or a therapist that is a good fit who also practices locally. This is why I offer both online and in-person therapy. With this in mind I do offer some psychotherapy sessions at concessionary rates. You will find details of the concessionary rates below. Please do not book these sessions before having a conversation with me first so that we can discuss your circumstances. You can do this at an assessment/introductory session or if you prefer by sending me an email using the contact button above.
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